My old home looks familiar, and yet I don't come here often any more. The memories are of what feels a lifetime ago. So much has happened in three years.
I have moved into a new life-- one filled with a lot more wisdom. I have found more compassion and understanding about how the addict's mind works. I learned it from my son. We have reconnected as mother and son, and he is very open with me. I barely hang out with my old friends, addiction, codependency, and enabling. I have new friends, Hope, Prayer, Compassion, and Strength, who help me through tough times.
My marriage is good, and has weathered one of the biggest storms that has hit our life. Still, I know that another storm of life could hit me at any time. I have moved into a new life, built on the foundation of my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. He is my Rock. Without my faith in God, I seriously doubt I could have come through this painful time in my life as well as I have. I give ALL the Glory to God. I cannot doubt his existence, as He has protected my son is ways that are nothing short of miraculous.
Today, I received this anonymous comment:
Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Three Years Later...":
I am sitting here crying because I don't know what to do. Every day just gets worse. Where do I go for help? My son just lies and steals and ruins every moment of peace in my home.
To those of you who do read my blog, I invite you to leave your own advice. Hopefully, "Anonymous" will check back.
My advice to you, Anonymous-- find out where the closest Al-Anon or Nar-Anon meeting is. Find out if you have a support group in your area for those who have addicts in their lives. Please try to learn as much about addiction as you can, and you need support. I highly recommend reading the "An Addict in my Son's Bedroom" blog-- Ron's link is on my blogroll on the right side bar. Ron is a brilliant writer, great parent and can help you with advice and direction. There are other bloggers I have found, listed. Please pay them a visit. You may write to me, at any time, too.
"My Beautiful Boy" is a book that I began to read about a week after my son went into rehab.
Learn. Pray. Hope. Please learn about codependency and addiction. You need to quickly learn that you cannot "save" your son. You cannot "cure" your son. The process will be hard and painful, Dear Parent, but you are fighting to put your son into a position where he has to realize he needs to seek help. You need to take care of yourself. You will cry a lot of tears, I am sorry to say. That is why you need support. If you have a spiritual foundation, and have a church group you can go to-- please do. "Celebrate Recovery" is a great program for people like you.
Like me... you can consider starting a blog. Just like I did, three years ago today. It helped me a LOT to know that there are people out there, walking the same road that I have. You need support.
You need to educate yourself, because an addict's addiction can destroy families. You have the power to stop that, but it will take work. There is hope. Please know that. Three years ago, today, I was a puddle of tears. I was a hurting mom. Today, I have wisdom, and I hope someday to pay it forward and help someone in my situation. Could it be you?
May you feel the power and presence of God's love right now,