I want to thank a few people who, faithfully, read my blog and leave such encouragement and support in prayers. If I have left you out, please forgive me. Everyone matters to me! I want to thank Madison, Prayer Girl, Barbara, Glass House Ministries for your prayers. Angelo, thank you for commenting on my blog and sharing your own struggle with addiction. I can tell that you care about my son's welfare. I am praying for you.
I also want to thank "Dad & Mom" for leaving such an encouraging comment yesterday. In particular, "Dad" honed in on the struggle that parents/loved ones of a addict struggles with:
Your son is like my son. They only understand what they can grasp right now, whether it is using, stealing, lying, dealing or just living. Consequences are something that is "future" and we know addicts don't do future.
When they someday come to realize that all the problems stem from one common denomiator they will be motivated to change. Till then you can just stand to the side and shake your head in amazement that the answer is so easy but they just can't see get it.
Yes, that's so true.
I finally called my son-- fearing that he had been fired from his job. No, he hadn't. In fact, he was given an extra shift and will be paid overtime! B also paid his rent and bought his suboxone. I saw him, last night. He looks good.
Praise God, and thank you! I believe in the power of prayer. Thank you, everyone, for your support, encouragement and for sharing your stories. I'm behind in reading many of your blogs, but I have a week's vacation coming up. I'll catch up, then.
God is so good!
So glad you are feeling encouraged today! And happy you had some good news about your dear son and his job.
You remain always in our hearts and prayers. I am so thankful for the world of "blogosphere"! God has used it to bring so many people together.
Hugs and prayers,
Cheri and Wayne
Yay! Nice to hear some good news. "Dad" should write a book, don't you think?
This is great news. It is also great to hear your excitement.
I believe in the power of prayer too. So glad he's okay and still has a job and paid for his own meds. One step at a time.
You are so incredibly brave! Thank you so much for sharing your story and hopefully helping others find the OxyContin rehab they need.
From the bottom of my heart, I wish you and your family all the best.
Dear Health Pain-- are you understanding the context of my pain and my blog? Of course oxycontin was designed as a painkiller for people who are suffering from things like terminal cancer etc. Can't you see how many people are DYING fro oxycontin? Hello? It's being overprescribed and it's being sold on the streets. From what my son has told me, it's an incredible high-- a feeling of euphoria. Maybe it's my mood, today, but I feel that your posting is highly insensitive and certainly not showing any compassion for the THOUSANDS of pain med addicts who can't get off this stuff?
I almost deleted your comment, but I'll leave it for the non-addict who is looking for an addictive and dangerous drug.
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