Thursday, June 12, 2008

When it rains, it pours, and thunders...and lightning

This is a quick addendum to B's day.
He totaled his car at 4:30pm. He was on the 680 Freeway, and he rear-ended a car, that turned into a three car collision. He says his brakes failed.

He's okay, but shaken. His car has been towed to a garage. His father will drive to Walnut Creek, tomorrow, to see what's up. His car just had brake work done.

That is all I know. My poor son...he's had a really BAD day. Was he driving too fast? I don't know. I won't speculate. I'm just thankful that he's okay.

More as I know what happens to come...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

He's okay, but shaken. His car has been towed to a garage. His father will drive to Walnut Creek, tomorrow, to see what's up. His car just had brake work done.

Debby, This makes one wonder....were the brakes correct? We've had all kinds of maintenance issues with our vehicle. Maybe there is an investigation needed?

PS, thank God he was ok. How are the other dricers, passengers? This is my biggest nightmare with DD.