Sunday, February 1, 2009

I've tapped in!

Tonight's posting is very brief, for a change

B joined us at church, today. He seemed very happy to be back. Our church is a contemporary service, and it's a wonderful church. The message was on "Why Good People Do Bad Things". Our pastor (who is funny and wears Hawaiian shirts) talked about our mouths, and the mean things we say to others. I took a lot of notes, and was reminded of my own shortcomings.

I spent the rest of the day cooking for Super Bowl. B and I had some one-on-one talks about drugs. I'm still learning a lot of sordid details about his life, why he used, and I tried to relate to what it was like. Likewise, I told my son that there will come a time that I want him to read my blog.

I felt as though we were connecting. Still, he knows that another random drug test is coming. Soon. Very soon. He also knows it better test "clean". 'Nuff said.

I finally tapped into a family of bloggers who share having a child who is an addict! Last night, I immersed myself into reading as many as I could. One, in particular, grabbed my attention.

I will post links to the blogs I've found. Likewise, I pray that others will link my blog to theirs.

Thank you, God! I don't feel so alone, anymore.

It's bedtime and work begins at the crack of dawn.

For today, I enjoyed my time with B. Still, like so many parents, I remain guarded. My deepest fear is that my son is lying and he is using...and that I will have to banish him from my house.

B knows that I'm serious. He says that he's ready to stay clean.

I pray he's finally being honest with himself.

Good night

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