Friday, July 10, 2009

Top 100 Overcoming Addiction Blog


Who knew, when I started journaling my feelings about my son's addiction to OxyContin and heroin, that my blog would be listed by the Online Nurse Practitioner Schools website? This is the heading?

Top 100 Overcoming Addiction Blogs

By L. Fabry

As more addictions come into our lives, more addicts are created. It can go far beyond substance abuse and wreck families, as well as lives. Below are the best 100 blogs from addicts, for addicts, and for the families of addicts.

I see that several of the blogs that I visit on a regular basis-- Subdural Flow, An Addict in Our Son's Bedroom, Mother of a Drug Addict and my neighbor (same town) Hurting Parents - Addicted Son are several who are listed.

I am off to visit some new blogs that I see listed here. I especially want to read from the addict's point of view.

For those of you, who are addicts-- and who leave anonymous comments on my blog--


I, so much, want to try and understand. I don't judge any of you as unworthy of compassion, nor do I think of addicts as derelicts who rob people to buy drugs. I think of you as human beings-- someone's son or daughter... someone's husband or wife... or, even someone's mom or dad.

Please be a voice, and know that my blog is a safe place to vent-- as long as there is no profanity-- that is, a lot of "F" bombs. I can handle a small amount of cursing, because I'm weak and can do that, when I'm feeling worked up about something. "PG" is about all I can handle.

This morning, my son woke up early and greeted me with a warm and loving smile. He is off to work.

It's the weekends that are hardest for him-- when he has idle time on his hands, and no money.

Here's the link:



Unknown said...

Congratulations!!! Well done !! and for the other's as well. No surprise I am not there LOL, I am way to negative and radical. But I am very proud of you, and Athena, and Mom & Dad....and the others whom I read daily.


Bar L. said...

You so deserve this as do the others! We all need to stick together and support each other. I have been able to relate so much to what you say.

Unknown said...

Thanks for your kind invitation to addicts. I do worry about representing the "enemy" when commenting on the blog of someone who lives with an addict. But like you said, I'm someone's son, someone's dad, and someone's husband.
Congrats on the mention.

Unknown said...

Hi Debby,

I've been doing some facelifting at the Glass House blog today. I happened to find your blog button and the Top 100 announcement, so I added a link on my sidebar. It's a ways down the page.

God bless you,